7 Aralık 2021 Salı



  1. Our group consists new beginners including  founders  on e-twinning  so please excuse each other if someting goes wrong.Tolerance is the first key in our group.
    Second key is the excitement.And we will add others together.
  2. We are 11 partners including 9 Turkish,   1 Greek , 1 Georgian.I feel deeply that we are so energetic  and do great job!
  3. We will do our first online meeting on the 16th Of october,2021 on twinspace.We will plan the others but we have to do one online meeting at the beginning of the month to plan the process.Partners should attend without excuses.
  4. We will start our studies on the first days of November and finish on the first days of April.As it is an enjoyable cultural activity , It will be hard to leave.
  5. We have a whatsapp group to communicate fast but we also have to use twinspace as it is examined during the process of quality labeling.
  6. Every partner has an own page in the pages link to share their studies .They should design their pages themselves as it is planned.
  7. We will choose the Classics together,and then we will examine each type in each month.
  8. November will be film month,december will be poem, january will be song,february will be book and march will be painting month.
  9. In the first two weeks of the months we will examine the Classics and in the last two weeks we poduce products and share on twinspace and interact with others and discuss.
  10. Before every workshop there will be a teachers online meeting to decide and plan the month and then teachers will do the studies with groups at their schools.
  11. To summarize , It will be a five –step process.In every step we have a Classic to examine.In each step we will have 2 workshops.In the workshops  firstly a cinema,then a poem, after than a song , a book and finally a painting will be examined.We will  analyze the Classic together and students are requested to study on .At the second workshop, they will talk about their likes , dislikes,comments, reviews and cirititisms.They will share and discuss their thoughts about the Classics.They will write a short summary, draw a comics or paintings, make a drama or whatever they want as a product to upload to  share  with other participants. During 2 weeks students  will follow their partners’ posts on twinspace and interact with them.This will be repeated 5 times during the process.
  12. All the workshops will be as detailed as in the first moth’s  workshop.Teachers will control ,follow the studies on twinspace and give objective knowledge about the Classics examined.Teachers will remind them twinspace activities and get them involved in online tools
  13. We sill use web2 tools as much as we can.It is very important part of teaching new things.
  14. We have to  share every thing on the twinspace to interaction.
  15. We have to do dissemination activities in our own schools to present the e-twinning projects.
  16. We have to make as many as students get involved into the Project.
  17. There will be a questionnare on the twinspace at the beginning and in the final. All attenders should fill in this questionnare.




I hope we do great jobs with excitement !
Good Luck!

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  https://youtu.be/oIuTxJC-T5w here is our final video . 10 partners ,10 teachers , 90+students,ten parts,ten videos,1 final video♥️Elif Gün...